NTES is the official train service app in India that lets you find out useful information about any train, whether you are on holiday in India and you need information about a long-distance train or if you simply need to catch a nearby train to get to work every day.
From the main tab in NTES, you are able to quickly access the different categories: train timetables, canceled trains, trains on diversion, trains that are in-between stations, etc. You can also directly enter your train's ID to immediately see all its details, so you will know in advance if it is delayed or canceled.
When you search any train journey you are able to see its route in detail on a map, as well as a short list of all the stops that it makes. You can also see the estimated times and temporary timetables, as trains are often delayed. Luckily the app calculates and informs you of the delays itself.
NTES is a very useful application for users that regularly use the trains in India, and is extremely useful for taking both local trains with short journeys and long-distance trains whose journeys are hours long.